Some housekeeping...

A few bits and pieces...

Some housekeeping...
Attempting to get back to work in the new "studio".

Hey, Kennedy here. Halloween is nearly upon us, and Matt and I are working hard to get a new series of the show up and running. Matt has also been bullying me (objection - Matt) to get the rest of the Saltmarsh story written up and posted. Truth be told, that story is kind of still evolving, and it seems to be finding its way into other aspects of our investigations even now. But I'm going to make a proper effort to get the installments up in a timely fashion from now on.

There are also a few other things in the works that we can't talk about just yet. We know how frustrating it is to hear that, but we can promise you they will be amazing if they come off.

It has been brought to our attention that to just have two tiers; free and paid might be a little binary for people. We get that, in the current climate, £6 per month is an amount of money that not everyone can justify, so we're going to be putting together some new options, some for less, some for more. We just have to figure out who gets what for their money, without shutting out the free tier entirely. More on this as it evolves.

We're just getting started with this place, and our intention is that it becomes the hub of everything we do. We love that you're along for the ride, we love your comments (and the investigatory prowess some of you are already displaying!) and we love the conversation that is starting to build. You guys are the spark of light in the darkness.

More (very) soon.

Kennedy and Matthew