On the future of esoteric investigations
A guest post by Matthew Heawood

This is not what I do, by which I mean writing. And specifically writing a blog. I actually didn't even know these were still a thing, but Kennedy tells me there was something of a resurgence of the form while I was away. A lot seems to have happened while I was away.
Kennedy started this blog while I was still missing, and then I came back, and I guess the blog went onto the backburner for a while, as she and I got involved in the whole "Haunter of the Dark" thing. We're out the other side of that now, and I have had a chance to look over the stuff she has put up here. And I think it's the start of something promising.
By the time we were done with our latest investigation, we had lost our office and an awful lot of our equipment and resources. While this seemed like a catastrophe at the time, I'm now managing to persuade myself that things might have turned out for the best. Or at least that there is some upside to what happened.
While it's true that we no longer have a base, outside of our respective homes, and we no longer have a studio, I think it has made us lighter on our feet. You can't move for podcasts nowadays, and you especially can't move for true crime podcasts. This is wonderful for the form, obviously, but it makes it that much harder to stand out. A lot of effort needs to be expended on social media to get the "brand" out there, and that's effort that could otherwise be spent on the investigations themselves.
Neither Kennedy nor I know what the future looks like. We have an investigation underway at the moment, but we have no idea if we'll be able to raise the finance to pursue it to the end, much less put it on air, or even if we'll be allowed to do either - we seem to have upset a lot of the wrong people (for the right reasons) during our last case.
So we're on the outside of things now. All at sea, as it were.
But I look at how Kennedy has written up her "Saltmarsh" investigation on this site (and don't worry, I am seriously nagging her to get the rest of the story up here), and I wonder if that is not also a glimpse at a possible future...? Maybe we're not audio anymore, or at least not JUST audio, maybe we're also online; getting our stories out into the world in whatever way best serves them?
I'm typing this out on a Eurostar train bound for Paris. I have an appointment at the Levesque institute in a few hours and, from there, I'm heading straight back to the station and onto a train bound for Eastern Europe. I can't say where yet, because you never know who is reading what, but you would be correct in guessing that we're on the trail of something. Where that trail leads, and whether you will hear about it via headphones or through some other medium, only time will tell...
In the meantime, please keep reading this site and supporting what we're trying to do. Once Kennedy is done with her current excursion (again, I can't say where she is) then I will get her to upload the rest of her Saltmarsh account. She's told me what happened there and all I can say for now is that it's proving to be far more relevant than either of us would have suspected to our current case.
In the meantime, keep reading, keep listening, keep questioning. Without you, we're just screaming into the void.
I might be getting a taste for this blogging business...